Welcome to Hearing ReSolutions
Hearing ReSolutions, based in Bolton, Lancashire and run by
Gerald C R Marsden, a specialist aural services provider.
- Custom made hearing protection
- Industrial audiometry
- Industrial noise measurement
- Aural impression services
Noise is often an integral part of work related functions and Hearing ReSolutions has great experience and understanding in working alongside to achieve satisfaction for both employers and employees. Evaluation of work areas and job functions is important to prescribe the correct level of protection from a wide range of custom made hearing protection products.
Hearing ReSolutions is a licensed manufacturer of a range of silicone and acrylic based custom made hearing protection products from Dreve gmbh, a global leading aural and dental supplies company.
Our client base includes: food manufacturing, engineering, professional & leisure motorcyclists, shooting fraternity, construction, shipping, motor industry, offshore, aerospace, clothing, wood, steel and glass manufacturing.
In support of our experiences within Health & Safety, we have certification of ROSPA’s Managing Safely through Bolton University. Importantly too, we are certificated, accredited and insured in all our work related areas.