Custom Made Hearing Protection Products for Motorcycling
Hearing ReSolutions is a leading company in the provision of custom made hearing protection used by many Professional, Racing and Hobbyist/Leisure motorcyclists. Our extensive list of clients in each category would completely fill the pages of this website!
Essentially most motorcyclists will suffer from wind noise under the crash helmet, some more than others; this is due to chosen helmet, physical head size and importantly, speed, distance and duration of ride. Wind noise causes temporary fatigue symptoms, and prolonged exposure will in most circumstances cause tinnitus and/or deafness. Hearing protection is essential to minimise these risks. Hearing loss caused by wind noise is usually referred to noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) which makes communication difficult, particularly for example in a crowded area with TVs often needed at a higher volume too along with difficulty in communication with family, employer etc.
Many motorcyclist wear single use hearing protection products but it has to said that many people do not get a satisfactory fit from single use products; this is not the fault of the product but as everyone has differently shaped ear canals, the use of custom made product will give the desired attenuation (protection level) and importantly, comfort , making the motorcycle experience more enjoyable, without the need to worry about movement, fit and level of protection.
We offer:
- Products with attenuation for critical use of communication systems
- Products which provides adequate wind noise protection yet allowing SatNav, MP3 and a good ability to communicate and take evasive action
- Products which provide the greatest protection for those with one thing on their mind: staying on and getting to the chequered flag first in the shortest possible time!
We decide with the user which product is best for them at the time of taking aural impressions.