Custom Made Hearing Protection

Custom made hearing protection for Industry, Shooting, Motorcycling, Musicians, Swimming, Flying/Sky Diving and Snoring Sufferers. Our custom made products are made by taking aural impressions using high quality medical grade impression material. Following trimming these become the facsimile for the selected final product which will then fit exactly, precisely and comfortably in the user’s ear

Use of our custom made hearing protection products in Industry:

There are approximately 350 differently attenuating hearing protection products available in the EU including a choice of 17 custom made products from Hearing ReSolutions. If we only had one or two products then selection would be simple…no!

The dangers and hazards of over- or under-production by providing incorrectly attenuating product can mean either not hearing an important communication or damage to hearing through exposure to too much noise.  Every work scenario is different in sound levels and indeed shift duration so it is important to protect correctly.  We take all the guesswork out of product selection by working with the client to establish Noise Exposure Levels and hence correct protection.  Our range of 17 custom made products that we supply have attenuation ranging from 19 to 31SNR.

At Hearing ReSolutions, we take great pride in such a vast range of products but occasionally we may have to disappoint a client where the parameters of their Noise Exposure and Duration do not fit into our fitting ranges.  This also means that if we cannot provide from this range, lowest and highest available ranges in the EU, it is highly unlikely that anyone can!

We have a current client list including: food, concrete, timber, garment manufacturing, engineering, plastic, aerospace, professional motorcyclists, steel and metal.

Some people understand Attenuation Detail, SNR etc. For those who do, please refer to a small selection of our attenuated products here.  For those who don’t, please contact us.